Advanced And Affordable Whipple Surgery Cost In India

Deepika Sharma
2 min readJul 20, 2021


Due to metastasis, at times, cancer develops on the anterior part of the pancreas. This cancerous layer is removed from the pancreas by a medical procedure known as Whipple Surgery (pancreaticoduodenectomy). At times, even the duodenum, gallbladder and bile duct have to be removed during this procedure.

Who Needs Whipple Surgery?

During this procedure, the tumour is removed from the pancreas, and in case it has spread to other organs surrounding it, they need to be treated as well. Your doctor might recommend you to undergo this prosecute if you are suffering from:

● Cancer in the pancreatic region

● Cysts in the pancreas

● Tumours in the pancreas

● Pancreatitis

● Cancer in the ampullary region

● Cancer in the bile duct

● Other disorders in the pancreas or duodenum can’t be treated by normal methods.

Is Whipple Surgery Worth Taking The Risk?

Whipple surgery is a very complex procedure due to the risk involved. It takes about six hours into the surgery and another three months to recuperate your health. However, it can increase your life by five years if you consider undergoing it at the correct time.

Whipple surgery cost in India is about INR 6 lakhs to INR 7 lakhs, which is considerably less than in other countries.

Who Is Eligible For Whipple Surgery?

After careful analysis of many health surveys, it is found that out of 100 people, only 20 are eligible for undergoing surgery. If a person is diagnosed with tumours on the pancreas, it becomes essential to undergo this surgery.

Usually, these tumours go undiagnosed throughout the patient’s life as there are hardly any symptoms in the early stages.

Your eligibility for this surgery depends on several factors:

● Your age and your body’s ability to withstand surgery

● It also depends on whether or not you have undergone any other surgery.

Usually, people who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at a young age can easily undergo this surgery. The survival rate in such cases is 25 per cent higher than in other patients. Looking at how affordable Whipple surgery cost in India is, you should undergo this procedure if your doctor recommends it.

Diet And Medication After The Surgery

Once your operation is done, do consider staying at the hospital for a few weeks. It would be ideal to stay in the ICU for better care. In addition, staying at the hospital would help your doctor diagnose if some other complications arise.

Your surgeon would guide you about the medications and food items you should take to recuperate at a faster rate. In case you face any allergies or reactions after the operation, consider informing your doctor immediately. It can be due to the body’s feedback mechanism.


Risks involved in this surgery do not pose any difficulty when deciding to get it done under specialists. The survival rate of Whipple surgery is very high. It is the only cure available for pancreatic cancers and tumours.

Max Healthcare has the most affordable Whipple surgery cost in India. They have the best facilities available with the top surgeons at a very reasonable price.



Deepika Sharma

I am a professional writer & blogger. I have experience of more than three years. I always look for new things in writing and also worked for many websites.