Whipple Procedure: Effects, Success Rate, and More

Deepika Sharma
3 min readApr 21, 2021


Many people hesitate to undergo a Whipple surgery in India because it requires operating on one of our body’s essential organs- the pancreas. The term itself is new to most of the population; hence we often find ourselves pondering over it without delving in a bit deeper.

So, without further ado, let’s understand everything you must know about the Whipple Procedure or Surgery.

What Is A Whipple Surgery?

Pancreatic anomalies like cancer, lupus, etc., are hard to detect, and thus, their prognosis becomes quite tricky. Usually, the disease becomes apparent once it has affected 70% of a normal pancreas. That’s where the Whipple surgery fits into the script.

Named after the famous Columbia University doctor Allen Whipple, the procedure is mainly performed on the pancreas head. The head or the broader section is removed using pancreaticoduodenectomy, which saves the smaller portions near the small intestine. The bile ducts, too, are removed and conjoined again if the malignancy has broken through the pancreatic walls.

Whipple surgeries are performed to put a hold on the increase in the affected area’s malignancy, which in turn adds a few extra years to your life span. The success rate of the procedure is around 80%, with a 25%-30% of survival rate. In some of the cases, Whipple surgery in India has cured patients too.

Eligibility Criteria

A tiny portion of all cancer patients is eligible to go for a complex Whipple surgery. Among all the pancreatic cancers, only 20% of the patients are treated using invasive Whipple surgery in India. Also, the tumours cases confined within the pancreatic walls can be treated using a Whipple procedure.

The Need For Surgery

There are so many reasons behind a surgeon or an oncologist suggesting Whipple surgery. Here are some of them listed below to make the task easier for you:

● The patients whose tumour, lupus, or cancer are in the pancreas head can get treated with just a 6.6% of the morbidity rate.

● Despite being a very complex surgery, it may help keep your other closer organs like kidney, intestines, and lymphatic nodes safe.

● These surgeries are carried out in such a way that there is minimal blood loss. Whipple procedure included several small incisions instead of one large hole to keep the blood flow lower than usual.

You may also like: Whipple surgery cost in india


Like every other incision-based surgery to cure and curb malignancy, pancreatic surgery has some after-effects. Yet, the procedure is considered one of the best for all sorts of pancreatic cancers and benignity.

Some common post-op effects include:

● Mild pain and fatigue all over the body

● As pancreatic juice becomes scarce for a while, the body starts having gastric issues and some asthmatic leaks.

● In some cases, elevated heart rate is observed due to the surgery’s strain on the body.

Bleeding and mild infection are also common.


Despite all the complexities associated with Whipple Surgery, surgeons worldwide consider it a saviour due to its low mortality and accelerated recovery rates. Book an appointment today at Max Healthcare to find yourself the best doctors and quality treatment.



Deepika Sharma

I am a professional writer & blogger. I have experience of more than three years. I always look for new things in writing and also worked for many websites.